jueves, noviembre 02, 2006

Self and the Unconscious

Freud was born 150 years ago. The concept of the self, which is the attractor of this blog, is strongly related to the unconscious. I found my self in trouble to elaborate a definition of the unconscious, however the concept is useful in the exploration of the self (and the self-organization). For an economist, the unconscious could be the state variable, that condition the behavior of the system in the long run. An individual is unware about its unconscious and he develops through years. A social system sometimes is unware about its state variables, until they shows up as constraint for the development of the system. In this sense, state variables are observed through their effects or consequences on variables that change our everyday life. Social Science is the conscious mind of society.
Individuals and society develop themself when they have the chance of looking at themself.

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