domingo, octubre 26, 2008

Impuestos, liberales y candidatos

El libro de Krugman, La conciencia de un libera, esta muy bien. Léanlo, antes de las elecciones del 4 de noviembre!

En el marco de las diferenicas entre demócratas y liberales, me pareció maravilloso este comentario de Andrea Cambpell sobre las políticas impositivas anunciadas por ambos candidatos,

"The Tax Policy Center has calculated the impacts of these plans, and finds they have different fiscal and distributional implications. McCain's plan would reduce government revenues by $4 trillion over 10 years, or about 11 percent of total revenue current scheduled for collection. Obama's plan would reduce government revenues by $2.7 trillion, or 7 percent of currently scheduled collections (keeping in mind that there will be rising budget deficits for decades to come even if revenues aren't reduced). Most of the benefit of Obama's plan would redound to lower- and middle-income people while most of the benefit of McCain's plan would redound to very high-income people."

¿Más palabras?

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