martes, agosto 10, 2004


I have been reading for a while some works by Ludwig Wittgenstein. I first read Tractactus Logico-Philosophicus. After this, I went on The Blue and Brown Books and now I am reading Philosophical Investigations.

I am quite sure that I did not understand, neither all of them nor each of them. (How could I say that after reading him?) However, after reading the books I feel that I should adopt a very active role to improve my understanding.

This blogg is a personal try to develop a better understanding of Wittgenstein work.

During the first time, I will only express what I obtain from the pure Wittgensteinian readings. In this first phase, the suggested links will be only to his biography and contexts.

If by any chance happens that you arrived to this blogg, you should know that I am not an expert.

This is just a blogg about Ludwig Wittgenstein, posting information without any particular order.

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